This whole "pursuit of Ruth" thing that ESPN is pushing everynight is getting a little out of hand. After about the 3rd interruption in last night's Jays/Sox game I'd had enough.Someone needs to tell ESPN, that Babe Ruth doesnt hold the homerun record any longer, and hasnt done so in 30+ years. Why is Bonds (and his roids) passing the #2 guy on the list that newsworthy? They seem stunned that MLB isnt going to stop the game when he passes Ruth. Why should they? He'd only be in 2nd place all time... Did they stop the game for Ripken when he passed the #2 guy on the consecutive games started list? Did they honor Bonds when he passed Maris or Sosa on the single season homer list?
I mena I know thye like to sensationalize things, but this is getting out of hand. Call me when he's at 753.....